Register as a GCP Member

Register as a GCP Member

Enroll in courses

Complete courses

Test your learning

Test your learning

Earn your certificate

Earn your certificate

Register as a GCP Member

Select your certificate stream and register online to access your student portal and begin planning.

Complete courses

Use the GCP Student Portal to select the courses that you will complete. Please note that your registration is not complete until you register and pay for the course through this partnering organization’s website. The GCP registration fee does not cover the registration cost of individual workshops. Already completed a course? Your course is valid for two years from your GCP Registration Date. Certain courses may not apply, please contact us to learn more.

Test your learning

Complete an online multiple choice quiz for each course, with a minimum 70% grade required.

Earn your certificate

The planning and development of the GCP has been reviewed and endorsed by the McMaster Continuing Health Sciences Education Office, each graduate earns a GCP Certificate of completion or attendance.

To learn more about the final GCP Certificate of Completion, please visit our FAQs.